Our Playground


Posted in [Read This First] Rules v1.00 by Fela Rizki Wardana on October 30, 2008

As with any other creation in this world, we now define the origin of this weblog page,
Genesis (in Indonesian it means “Penciptaan; Awal mula”)

We are the basementbrat of Labtek 8, Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Students, Bandung Institute of Technology.
At first the idea of putting and sharing our thoughts on this page was triggered by the spirit of the Indonesian Youth’s Pledge (Sumpah Pemuda) at October 28th. We wanted to make contributions to our nation distinctively within our field of specialty, which is in the field of engineering especially electrical engineering. We realized that technology would mean nothing if not shared to the community. We also realize that ideas, thoughts, sometimes the crazier the better, are the gateway to better Indonesia.

We often see that those brilliant ideas are taken for granted and put in vain, it was all because lack of documentation, imagine if all those ideas are put together, and hopefully be put to reality. This page is meant solely to facilitate (and also stimulate) those who has the passion of writing zestfully.

We are thrived and committed to giving the best pieces of writing available, by means of The Basementbrat Crew’s Pledge:

1. Content
We deliver in depth contents, rich and comprehensive analysis about topics ranging from almost every known aspect in our lives .

2. Universality
We do not differ men nor women, social strata, interests, regional origins, etc. While upholding the spirit of democracy and avoiding any conflicts regarding those terms above as possible.

3. Accuracy
We uphold the truth. By means of engineering code of ethics, all topics written on this page are expected to be fair, honest, and truthful.

4. Open-mindedness and Flexibility
We are open to any honest thoughts. Especially ideas, dreams that will lead for the better future of Indonesia. We do not define our limits, any imagination, or such else that will enchain our creativity.

5. Motto
From dreams, we make it real, for our beloved nation, Indonesia

The rules regarding of those terms mentioned on the pledge above are:
1. All posts are to be written in English
2. All
posts must be put in an orderly categorized manner
3. All
comments are welcome and must also be written in English
4. All
crews are expected to write at least one topic for each month
5. All Electrical Engineering students of ITB are welcome to contribute
6. All people who shares the same enthusiasm are welcomed as good friends of ours

Best Regards,
BasementBrat Crew’s Board of Administrator

20 Responses

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  1. rachma001 said, on October 30, 2008 at 4:00 pm

    Is this Yoka who wrote it?? GOsh, your English is Totally Cool !!! Ok, btw, yeah introducing myself too, I am Rachma, feeling quite flattered when you invited me to join this blog as an author and when I see the introduction, then I said “okay, I am totally flattered now!”

    Really glad when you said that it is dedicated for Indonesia. I am 100% agree and I hope my ideas here will contribute some things for my beloved country. I love you, Indonesia!!!
    Once again, I love you, Indonesia !!!

  2. rachma001 said, on October 30, 2008 at 4:01 pm

    Okay, I am sorry, just read it. It’s Fela.. Sorry, but the same comment to you too..

  3. EEng said, on October 30, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    Or in indonesian means “pertamaxx!”
    I hope this blog will become one of the ways to save the world! Espescially indonesia. Like in heroes,”save the cheerleader! Save the world!” πŸ˜€

  4. EEng said, on October 30, 2008 at 4:39 pm

    Or in indonesian,”keduaxx!” πŸ˜€
    who is a basementbrat crew? What have to be done to be a crew? Would you like to add my blog into your blogroll please? ^_^

  5. wahidyankf said, on October 30, 2008 at 4:50 pm

    @ rachma : haha…do you wanna know a man that achieved perfect score in English subject at 2005’s SPMB??? Its Fela…he’s a living legend…haha… :))

    @ enggar : just send me your email that u use for your blog @ wordpress via YM…u can send this information to fela or me…oh…i almost forget…to become a contributor for this blog, u must have an account in wordpress…because the administrator can’t add a contributor if the contributor don’t have a wordpress id.

    to all : please promote this blog to the other basement’s brat in labtek 8…we wait for all of you… ^_^

  6. hamid said, on October 30, 2008 at 5:08 pm

    @eeng: pertamax is gasoline, and is prohibited in some indonesian forum to wrote that word.

    i hope this blog get much traffic

    i want to make it profitable

    do u all mind?

    well the money will pay our years book

    but that just a tought

  7. andeh said, on October 30, 2008 at 11:40 pm

    thanks, bro..!
    in indonesian, it means ” makasi kaka.. !”

    thanks for asking me as a contributor for this blog…
    and i hope i could share my idea here for my beloved indonesia..

    np : i’ve learnt a lot from you , guys… thank y’all very much..

  8. rachma001 said, on October 30, 2008 at 11:59 pm

    What???!!! WOw,,FEla, you ROCK, DUDE!!!! TOtally awesome!! Recommending Tata’s blog for you, then, to read..

  9. wahidyankf said, on October 31, 2008 at 1:06 am

    Oh yea, fela said that this rule is still version 1.00 you can add another rules if you want to. Of course with the other member permission. So guys, any suggestion for the rules?

  10. davidgultom said, on October 31, 2008 at 1:09 am

    this blog is very awesome!!
    you have a wonderful vision dude (to admin)..
    let us contribute to this nation by making a lot and good article in electrical engineering’s scope!!
    c’mon give the best for our beloved INDONESIA!!

    OK champ!?? Elektro.. Elektro.. Elektro..

  11. EEng said, on November 1, 2008 at 4:39 pm

    yach, in fact, i’m not the first commentator.
    thanks for add me in the crews list.
    I’ll try to contribute in this basementbrat blog.

  12. basementlabtek8 said, on November 1, 2008 at 6:14 pm

    to herrywinandi:
    dont mind him, its okay if you want to share some of your abilities and experiences in the field of economics (ie. investments) also.
    of course they will broaden our perspectives too.

    So, anyone care for making these rules to become v1.01?

  13. wahidyankf said, on November 1, 2008 at 6:20 pm

    @ enggar : we’ll wait for your post nggar… ^_^

  14. EEng said, on November 3, 2008 at 9:21 am

    @wahidyankf: maybe I will contribute in writing posts later, I haven’t have ideas yet. For now, maybe I will help for optimizing this blog in search engine like google, so people can find the blog easier. I have to practice my SEO knowledge, although I am just a newbie in SEO. Now I am joining a SEO Contest named Busby SEO Test with my blog in http://umpcinfo.com/gladioolers, all of you can help by add that url into your blogroll or your posts. I hope i can win $5000 in this worldcup. Thanks.

  15. kifli132 said, on November 3, 2008 at 10:47 am

    @wahidyan: Thanx for invite me

    I’m really glad become the member of this blog

    I hope from this time we can increase our knowledge, our language, and make our best effort for Indonesia

    Next time I will write my idea too.

    with dream and hard work we can do anything…

  16. alfathakbar said, on November 4, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    maybe i’m the first one to volunteer my self to become one of basement crew without being invited in the first place. in fact, i started my own blog because i want to contribute to this society of noble people..you’re all very noble man..and woman..hehe.. hope i can contribute well even with this akward english..huhu..oke champ!!??

  17. alfathakbar said, on November 4, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    fel, i wanna ask, if i post two topics on January, does it mean that i don’t have to post another on February? i hope so,thanks..

  18. wahidyankf said, on November 7, 2008 at 11:13 am

    @ alfath : electro…electro…electro…hahaha…

  19. zuldgreat said, on August 13, 2009 at 2:53 am

    Hello everyone, I just joined this blog and posted one article :D.
    I hope this blog is not stopped yet, ’cause I think this is a good place for us to share our knowledge. The last post I saw was from March ’09 πŸ˜€
    Come on bro n sis, keep sharing your knowledge, ’cause it’s one of the way to understand your own knowledge.
    Sometimes I don’t understand what I know :))

    crick…3x (“jangkerik bule”)

  20. Nghe Thuat Lam Tinh said, on February 20, 2011 at 3:28 am

    Hello there.. I am a newbie to wordpress and I been doing some research to get some ideas. Your wordpress blog definitely has help me. Really appreciate for that!.. and not to mention I’vebookmarked your %BLOGTITLE% .

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